Rosalyn Schanzer    



Ages 5-adult; any size group; author speaks nationwide and internationally at schools, teacher in-services, universities, seminars, conferences, panel discussions, workshops, and more. To schedule a visit contact me here.


All Live Visits and Videoconferences are customized to meet your needs and can include any combination of the following:
Slide Shows:
Gloriously illustrated, fast-paced, informative, and humorous. Great choice for all ages and every show.

Storytelling in costume with props and sound effects:
Rollicking, riveting shows for grades K-3 featuring volunteers from the audience and plenty of interaction! Includes the song The Old Chisholm Trail and the tall tale Davy Crockett Saves the World.

Absolutely True Stories from History:
Using one book of your choice for each presentation, we will explore an exciting story in depth. Examples include the terrifying truth about the Salem Witch Trials, Charles Darwin’s adventure–packed journey around the world and how it changed science forever, John Smith’s greatest escapes (can also be geared toward Colonial Jamestown); the many inventions of Benjamin Franklin; what both George Washington and King George III really believed during the Revolutionary War; the daring exploits of Lewis and Clark; the incredible California Gold Rush; how the author's own family escaped to America; and much more.

If you like, you can select books that will coordinate directly with your school's own curriculum. Each talk can be presented along with an accompanying slide show and is guaranteed to appeal directly to the age level of your group or classes.

Writing and/or Illustration Workshops for small groups (one or two days):
A few examples: Students write an amazing journal about a not-very-amazing day. Schanzer tells the beginning of a funny story or a mystery and students use tips to write their own endings. How to write about history by becoming a detective. Students write a tall tale; How to write your own autobiography. And some fun ways to illustrate all of the above.

Adult presentations:
How teachers can make history spring to life; the scoop on combining illustration with writing; finding great research for just about any topic; how my books were written; and practically anything else you can come up with. All presentations are available as live onsite visits or via live videoconferences.

Autographing sessions and lunches with students:
Can be added to each day's presentation.


Up to 3 presentations per day, $1,600. Overnight trips or trips over 50 miles away, $1,800 per day plus all travel expenses. Discounts are available for multiple-day events. To schedule a visit contact me here.


click here to see a special video for teachers
Please contact me here for fees and additional information
or click the logo below to learn more.

link to ink think tank

Click Here to see 6 engaging and informative lesson plans
connecting CCSS classroom activities to Schanzer's book

WITCHES! The Absolutely True Tale of Disaster in Salem

Click here
to see another fun and illuminating CCSS related lesson plan for
George vs. George, What Darwin Saw
, and WITCHES!

Prepared by Dr. Rose Reissman, Literacy Specialist and CCSS Alignment consultant






© 2007-2013 Rosalyn Schanzer. All Rights Reserved