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George vs. George: The American Revolution as seen from Both Sides
Publisher: National Geographic, 2004: Ages 8 to adult
Hardcover: ISBN: 0-7922-7349-4     Buy It!
School Library Binding: ISBN: 0--7922-6999-3  Buy It!
Paperback: ISBN: 978-1-4263-0042-4    Buy It!
Genre: Nonfiction/History/Biography/Picturebook  

About the Book

Was King George III a "Royal Brute?" American patriots said so. But others hailed him as "the Father of the People." Was George Washington a traitor? The king's supporters thought so. But many celebrated Washington as "the father of his country." Who was right? There are two sides to every story.

Click for a fun, illuminating lesson plan
that connects a CCSS classroom activity to this book.

Prepared by Dr. Rose Reissman, Literacy Specialist and CCSS Alignment consultant

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Awards and Reviews

~Shepherd's Best Books of 2023
~ALA Notable Book-2005
~Orbis Pictus Recommended Book-2005
~Capitol Choices Best Book-2005
~2004 Best Books winner-School Library Journal
~Starred review-School Library Journal
~Chicago Public Library Best Books of 2004
~Maine Student Book Award List

"…Schanzer states that her challenge was to "-cram 20 years of history, biography, and philosophy into a picture book that kids could grasp and enjoy." She has been entirely successful… The illustrations are amazing. Almost Brueghelesque in their detail, they show the major players as they actually looked… This is a lovely book, showing historical inquiry at its best: consideration of both sides, a sound research basis, attribution of sources, and interesting writing."
~Starred review-School Library Journal

"…an uncommonly balanced view of the American Revolution for younger readers… This carefully researched reminder that the Revolution was an "us vs. us" conflict, not an "us vs. them" conflict should be required reading for all young students of American history."
~Kirkus Reviews

"Visually exciting…vibrant overview of a complicated subject will encourage readers to want to learn more."
~Children's Literature

"Schanzer does a great job showing the American Revolution from both sides. This is a must have for every home and school library!"

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